About God Life & Physics

I consider myself a christian shaman who talks to god and the faeries in limited ways through nature like all mentally ill

Mental illness is how long can you tolerate life delaying gratification without throwing an i want my dodi now tantrum

Pope Francis called Jesus a metaphor, he is wrong, and a bonehead and he was a bouncer in Buenos Aires so he got paid to bang drunk randy ladies as bouncers do that's why the bounce.

The spaghetti western I was brought up on as a toddler that educated me at 2 getting that glass of whiskey was worth killing everybody in the bar for because it's poison pure logic.

The difference between Marks and Spencer and the Wuhan wet markets is you prepare your own food from the Wuhan Wet markets and don't pollute the world with unneccessary plastic.

Politicians are the same as anyone working for money they are loyal to whoever is paying them and it isn't the public who hates their guts. Love is the best currency, buttons should be disallowed. The only persons Jesus got mad at were the Jewish Rothschild family in the temple I suspect the predecessors to the central bank money lenders we have today and Hitler was Jesus's revenge on Jewish Bankers.

The sweetmouth is a deceiver and the basis of the father of lies you can say a lot in an innnuendo and get people to dance practically saying nothing just letting the others mind do the walking, You can hide desruction of the world in romantics sweet nothings in Napoleons ear like if you give me the world I might show interest wearing a pettycoat and get millions of men to die for ribbons. Flattery blowing shit up a persons arse is especially dangerous for mental health if the person believes it and continues to do so for 50 years I've had friends lives ruined by flattery like Simon Cowell has often seen on the X Factors or other musical talent shows this happens regularly.

Expect women to cut you down and ignore it and if the say one thing possibly the opposite is true or its a case of do the opposite despite resistance till you prove them wrong, this is called frame control and the main difference between an alpha and beta male other than dick size.

Don't announce to the world what your going to do just do it, talking dissapates power and everybody hates a mouth they just want to be impressed. Talking about something usually means you won't do it look at the iphone announcement in 2007 it was secret till it was real changing the World.

I'm unstable because the world's unstable and like everyone I have wants and addictions men's totp how do I bury banana in a beauty without being shot Michael Collins and John f failed yet considered sane I'm still alive and my window shopping was better than their banana burial.

The man responsible for world war ii was Hitlers meth doctor sex 200 dopamine meth 1500 dr feelgood a psychatatrist and once you pop you can't stop a catholic choirboy most Germans knew this but enjoyed the Rammstein concert across Europe.

The German hyperinflation happened because every German male went into I'm an excellent engineer mentality in the 1930s and would not grow basic crops for food they were too busy making Bugatti compeditiors and Tanks too expensive to sell. This is happenning again nobody in Ireland or most of the world gardening even Africa.

The V2 rocket possibly was a homing device.

The only reason factors are thought in school is pennys pounds and pence variations, little useful is thought in school women brainwashed by sense and sensibility how to get an old fashioned millionaire as a useless and raise spoilt children, romeo and juiliet we all deserve supermodels and should commit suicide if we don't get one on first attempt brainwash, heiroglyphs are cartoons nobody understands we don't know from biblical text whether jesus was black or white or had a beard and he was conceived by the Holy Spirit we don't know if he was Man or God and the Bible is duplicious about this fact even Jesus did not know he just asked riddles.

Women and psychiatrists control by innuendo, stupid women through history blew up half the world saying sweet nothings in a pettycoat like if you give me the world i will show interest or buy lunch and are still doing it.

Psychiatrists are on 250k a year possibly to bribe police on 25k a year or Rubgy playing psychiatric doctors on 40k.

Anyone stupid enough to deny the love of Jesus is the highest order of stupid. Appreciate John 3:16 in the Bible. He paid our karmic debt for sin by dying on the cross and appeasing God the Father. If you still aren't convinced watch 23 minutes in Hell YouTube, and, keep watching it till You repent. Every day for the rest of your life if necessary. 

Nothing, not even pleasure, creates happiness, the closest thing to ongoing happiness is got by taking responsibility with a clear conscience. 

Jesus said, give away all your money and follow me, my yoke is easy and my burden light, this sounds like madness to the selfish individual, but imagine if everybody did it, and, didn't care about money anymore, John Lennon wrote Imagine about this idea, Imagine, everybody in Ireland owes 43000 euro, our national debt is around 250 billion currently, what if this is called in by those we owe it to? we are slaves to money, and, will do stupid jobs which benefit nobody for it, and, a lot of us do, if we all follow Jesus this can be stopped. 

Judge not lest you be Judged, the more severe we judge others, the worse our Judgement will be some people in iands.org meet a God who doesn't judge but the devil according to the bible can disguise himself as a being of Light so we must be careful.

The Irish would have survived the famine if they pee'd on the spuds, it gets rid of blight, the Romans knew horse pee toothpaste with urea prevented cavities and was probably better than Colgate.

The Dutch have lived under sealevel for at least 300 years, with global warming be smart, learn from the Dutch, we have dutch on one acre of land at home making nettle wine, cheese and youghurt they are resiiurceuk.

There are two religions, the religion of Love, the religion of Fear.

The Catholic Church was designed to keep people ignorant of the Bible, there are talking donkeys in there like Schreck, if it was a clean book why did the best man around the only one left standing by God in a city of debauchery get raped pissed drunk by his daughters after his wife was turned into a pillar of salt.

Heaven and Earth will pass away according to the Bible, even Heaven.

God always existed its illogical for consciousness to emerge from nothingness in the multiverse.

The start of the Bible, book of Genesis, says, in the beginning, was the Word, and the Word was God, the multiverse is a word/text based self assembling program, with grammar rules, running on a computer program which is quite like the python running in blender.org

We can make a simple Universe, a lava lamp with a source of heat at the bottom, or just a frying pan  cooking ,is a simple Universe & a Weather Simulator, olive oil and mango chutney are possible ingredients, ketchup sachets, which appear as clouds to observers, In the beginning there was McDonalds, and Duracell Lithium Ion battery for Elon Musk, the foam cooking is analogous to quantum foam, if in a crystal ball with multiple observers, some double sided tarot cards, might reveal a man being dead or alive depending on ones perspective observing the lava lamp crystal ball universe.

Antimatter is matter travelling backwards in time so God can change the past too.

Shiva the God of Destruction tears down mountains to make sand for the sea shore, destructive people give others life lessons and do similar and keep the soap opera interesting for God.

Jesus could have walked on Water using a leather airfoil helicopter, fairy movies ones which are belts.

Foreskin removal halves the spread of AIDS person to person and many other sexually transmitted diseases also, if we all were Messianic Jews exponential decay of spread would mean it never took off.

God loved the smell of perfect sacrificed animals & populated Heaven with them.

Hitler is believed to have Jew ancestry, I suspect half castrated by a Jew, revenge on the Jews for not accepting a peaceful but outspoken man as Messiah, the Jews wanted a Warlord like Muhammad. According to cosmic agency YouTube Jesus was a myth made up to keep Jews turning the other cheek to Romans by Romans who wrote the myth of Jesus. Personally I had religious experiences where I felt what it was like witnessing Jesus's death as an apostle it was agonizing and i felt like dirt, I believe Jesus was giving me his apostles emotions as a character witness to the greatness and love and reverence they had for Jesus.

Jesus was a trickster, or more correctly a tester of hearts, like, God the Father, and, murdered as a child, like God the Father did he knew there was an afterlife, and where the person was going, according to the book of St. Thomas which many say is not true and this is from what I read on wikipedia not the book of Thomas, God tests people he did with Abraham in the Old Testament when he asked him to kill his Son and test his love for God above all, God can read minds, predict what one might do based on past behaviour, but, you have free Will, he doesn't know what you will do till you actually do it, he can influence you, he made the Pharoh stubborn fighting Moses.

In the God Delusion, the Worlds Richard Dawkins, said, there is no God, I presume spirituality doesn't exist for him either, why then won't he sleep in a haunted house, this is cognitive dissonance of the highest order.

We learned to talk from animals, Cows say moo, this means, hello I see you, they are telling predators they are aware of their presence, they also say food and no. Crows Caw which means shit in Irish, Ta which means yes in Irish, kill em & fuck em, they are naughty when saying these things, cats say me ow,  they hurt because they are athletes.


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