
Noreen Quotes

 I think meaning is everything in Life. One has to have meaning in life, as Victor Frankyl says if one doesn't have a purpose one must find it.A purpose even in a small way. Lack of purpose is a major issue in a lot of lives. One must look deeply into self sabotage in life and try to remedy it. When one has a why they can survive any how.I have come to the conclusion that that is the root cause of a lot of peoples problems, they have no why

About God Life & Physics

I consider myself a christian shaman who talks to god and the faeries in limited ways through nature like all mentally ill Mental illness is how long can you tolerate life delaying gratification without throwing an i want my dodi now tantrum Pope Francis called Jesus a metaphor, he is wrong, and a bonehead and he was a bouncer in Buenos Aires so he got paid to bang drunk randy ladies as bouncers do that's why the bounce. The spaghetti western I was brought up on as a toddler that educated me at 2 getting that glass of whiskey was worth killing everybody in the bar for because it's poison pure logic. The difference between Marks and Spencer and the Wuhan wet markets is you prepare your own food from the Wuhan Wet markets and don't pollute the world with unneccessary plastic. Politicians are the same as anyone working for money they are loyal to whoever is paying them and it isn't the public who hates their guts. Love is the best currency, buttons should be disallowed. T